Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Begone Mission Brown! Pretty Patina..

I have seen where others have restored old door and cupboard hardware back to bare metal by a slow simmer in the crock pot, so when I saw what might have been a pretty enamel candle holder if it weren't for a hideous coat of Mission Brown paint, (Cross Road Collectables) I got to wondering what was underneath. After I had scratched and picked at the paint enough to see a pretty blue peeking through, I felt compelled to buy it and try the crock pot method for myself.
And so it sat on the shelf, all brown and ugly for a few weeks until I slow cooked a roast one day. I swapped the insert for my soap making bowl and set it to bubble over night. And most of the next day.
So here is what I found. Ugly Duckling to Swan? Sure, it has more than its fair share of chips and knocks, but is that any reason to paint it BROWN! I think it is beautiful! :)


  1. Oh Helen - it's beautiful! Why on earth would someone paint it BROWN?

  2. Wow! Never thought to use a crock pot. Great idea!


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